The Spring 2025 Fund Cycle is Now Open.
Applications Will Close 5:00pm on April 17, 2025.
See below for information about eligibility and covered expenses for our four contract funds, as well as links to each of the fund applications. To be considered for the Spring 2025 cycle for these funds, applications and expense documentation must be submitted by Thursday, April 17, 2025 at 5:00pm. If you have any questions, please email
The spring application window is March 17–April 17, 2025. Applications due by 5:00pm EDT on April 17, 2025 for expenses incurred between November 16, 2024 and April 17, 2025.
Check out each fund below:
Family and Dependent Assistance Fund
Amount of Fund: $40,000 per fiscal year, divided equally into two application cycles per academic year. Unexpended funds will roll over into the next application cycle.
Fund Description and Covered Expenses
This Fund reimburses expenses related to the care of a child or other legal dependent. Covered expenses include childcare expenses for infant, toddler, preschool, or after-school/summer childcare; and the employee premium contribution for a Graduate Worker to cover a child or other legal dependent on the Yale Student Health Plan. All reimbursed childcare must be provided by a covered childcare provider. Covered providers are:
- a licensed childcare center
- a licensed family childcare provider
- a licensed after-school program
- a childcare program which is exempt from licensing under Connecticut law
- a daytime summer camp program
- an in-home provider with a Social Security or Tax I.D. number
Licensed care means that the State of Connecticut’s Office of Early Childhood (or comparable state office for providers in other states) has provided a license to the provider to operate. The state publishes a list of licensed providers at: A description of childcare programs exempt from licensing requirements is available at A separate form is required to certify that an in-home provider is in possession of a Social Security or Tax I.D. number; the applicant does not disclose the provider’s Social Security or Tax I.D. number at any point when applying to the fund.
To be eligible to receive funds from the Family and Dependent Assistance Fund, a person must:
- be employed in the Local 33 bargaining unit at the time expenses are incurred;
- be enrolled in or on leave from a Yale graduate or professional program at the time the fund application is submitted; and
- be ineligible to receive any portion of the annual PhD student Family Subsidy during the academic term in which expenses are incurred.
The maximum reimbursement is $2,000 per Graduate Worker per application cycle with and a lifetime maximum of $4,000 per Graduate Worker. Individual awards depend on the number of applicants. All awards are considered taxable income.
How will my reimbursement be determined?
The Union and the University will review your application and expense documentation to determine your eligibility and covered expenses.
The total fund amount for the application cycle will be divided by the total number of eligible applicants to determine an initial reimbursement allowance. Each eligible applicant will then be allocated an initial reimbursement for their documented and covered expenses up to the allowable maximum. This initial amount is determined by the number of applicants.
If there are funds still available after the initial round of calculations, any Graduate Worker applicants who have already been awarded funds covering their full expenses will be removed from the eligibility pool and then the process above will repeat with the remaining Graduate Worker applicants. This will continue until all Graduate Workers have received full reimbursement for their expenses or reached the maximum reimbursement amount, or until the available funds have been completely distributed, whichever comes first.
How will I receive my reimbursement?
Funds will be disbursed by the University. All awards are considered taxable income.
International Fund
Amount of Fund: $40,000 per fiscal year, divided equally into two application cycles per academic year. Unexpended funds will roll over into the next application cycle.
Fund Description and Covered Expenses
This Fund reimburses out-of-pocket legal expenses relating to visa and immigration proceedings and any related matters, including reimbursements for SEVIS and visa renewal fees, for the graduate worker, their children, and/or their spouse or domestic partner.
Legal expenses must be payable to an attorney admitted to practice law in Connecticut or in another U.S. state or territory. Expenses related to SEVIS and visa renewal fees must be paid to the United States Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, or another government agency in the United States authorized to collect such fees.
To be eligible to receive funds from the International Fund, a person must:
- be employed in the Local 33 bargaining unit at any point since January 1, 2024; and
- be enrolled in or on leave from a Yale graduate or professional program at the time the fund application is submitted.
The Graduate Worker or Graduate Worker’s family member for whom expenses are incurred must not be a citizen of the United States.
The maximum reimbursement is $2,000 per Graduate Worker per application cycle with a lifetime maximum of $4,000 per Graduate Worker. Individual awards depend on the number of applicants.
How will my reimbursement be determined?
The Union and the University will review your application and expense documentation to determine your eligibility and covered expenses.
The total fund amount for the application cycle will be divided by the total number of eligible applicants to determine an initial reimbursement allowance. Each eligible applicant will then be allocated an initial reimbursement for their documented and covered expenses up to the allowable maximum. This initial amount is determined by the number of applicants.
If there are funds still available after the initial round of calculations, any Graduate Worker applicants who have already been awarded funds covering their full expenses will be removed from the eligibility pool and then the process above will repeat with the remaining Graduate Worker applicants. This will continue until all Graduate Workers have received full reimbursement for their expenses or reached the maximum reimbursement amount, or until the available funds have been completely distributed, whichever comes first.
How will I receive my reimbursement?
Funds will be disbursed by the University. All awards are considered taxable income.
Health Care Fund
Amount of Fund: $300,000 divided equally between two cycles each academic year. Unexpended funds will roll over from the fall to spring cycle only.
Fund Description and Covered Expenses
This fund reimburses for out-of-pocket health, dental, and vision care expenses. Covered expenses are:
- The employee premium contribution for the Yale Student Health Hospitalization and Specialty coverage;
- The employee premium contribution for the Yale G&P Dental Plan (but not the subsidized PhD Grad Worker dental plan);
- Copays and prescription costs incurred for medical care at Yale Health, Yale Medicine, and Yale-New Haven Hospital;
- Copays and prescription costs incurred for care from providers covered by a Graduate Worker’s dental and vision plan;
- Out-of-pocket and prescription costs for providers and pharmacies for which a Graduate Worker has a referral or prescription order from Yale Health or from a provider covered by the dental or vision plan.
To be eligible to receive funds from the Health Care Fund, a person must:
- be employed in the Local 33 bargaining unit when expenses are incurred, except for Yale Health and G&P dental insurance premiums, which are eligible so long as a person is working in the Local 33 bargaining unit at some point in the academic year covered by the policy;
- be enrolled in a Yale graduate or professional program at the time the fund application is submitted;
- be enrolled in a Yale Student Health plan or Yale-administered dental or vision plan; and
- not be enrolled in another health, dental, or vision insurance plan.
The maximum reimbursement is $3,000 per application cycle with a lifetime maximum of $12,000 per Graduate Worker. Individual awards depend on the number of applicants.
How will my reimbursement be determined?
The Union and the University will review your application and expense documentation to determine your eligibility and covered expenses.
The total fund amount for the application cycle will be divided by the total number of eligible applicants to determine an initial reimbursement allowance. Each eligible applicant will then be allocated an initial reimbursement for their documented and covered expenses up to the allowable maximum. This initial amount is determined by the number of applicants.
If there are funds still available after the initial round of calculations, any Graduate Worker applicants who have already been awarded funds covering their full expenses will be removed from the eligibility pool and then the process above will repeat with the remaining Graduate Worker applicants. This will continue until all Graduate Workers have received full reimbursement for their expenses or reached the maximum reimbursement amount, or until the available funds have been completely distributed, whichever comes first.
How will I receive my reimbursement?
Funds will be disbursed by the University. All awards are considered taxable income.
Technology Fund
Fund Description and Covered Expenses
The Fund will reimburse applicants for covered expenses to purchase technology necessary to carry out a Graduate Worker’s bargaining unit job, or repair of said technology. Covered expenses do not include technology that the University would otherwise provide as part of a reasonable workplace accommodation or per Article 17 “Work Locations and Supplies” of the CBA.
To be eligible to receive funds from the Technology Fund, a person must:
- be employed in the Local 33 bargaining unit at the time expenses are incurred;
- be enrolled in or on leave from a Yale graduate or professional program at the time the fund application is submitted; and
- not have received financial assistance for the same or similar laptop or other technology from the University, including but not limited to from the Dean’s Emergency fund; funds from a department, program, or school; and funds from grants awarded to a Graduate Worker or Graduate Worker’s supervisor or advisor.
The maximum reimbursement is $1,000 per Graduate Worker per cycle with a lifetime maximum of $2,000 per Graduate Worker. Individual awards depend on the number of applicants.
How will my reimbursement be determined?
The Union and the University will review your application and expense documentation to determine your eligibility and covered expenses.
The total fund amount for the application cycle will be divided by the total number of eligible applicants to determine an initial reimbursement allowance. Each eligible applicant will then be allocated an initial reimbursement for their documented and covered expenses up to the allowable maximum. This initial amount is determined by the number of applicants.
If there are funds still available after the initial round of calculations, any Graduate Worker applicants who have already been awarded funds covering their full expenses will be removed from the eligibility pool and then the process above will repeat with the remaining Graduate Worker applicants. This will continue until all Graduate Workers have received full reimbursement for their expenses or reached the maximum reimbursement amount, or until the available funds have been completely distributed, whichever comes first.
How will I receive my reimbursement?
Funds will be disbursed by the University. All awards are considered taxable income.